/* Shared Settings Strings for MacConfig Apps */ /* Keychain */ "keychainBaseStationDescription" = "AirPort base station password"; "keychainBaseStationType" = "AirPort Base Station"; /* Layout */ "LabelColon" = ":"; "NotSupported" = "Not Supported"; "vrfy" = "Verify Password"; "time.60" = "minutes"; "time.3600" = "hours"; "time.86400" = "days"; /* Most Keys in this file are four character codes and four character codes plus value. The four character codes are acp properties where appropriate and custom codes beginning with 'bs' for simple settings. Commented out strings are not needed, but are here for completeness. "4chr" and "4char.value" */ /*"bsDP" = "bsDP";*/ /*"bsFL" = "bsFL";*/ /*"bsRT" = "bsRT";*/ /*"bsPU" = "bsPU";*/ /*"bsSF" = "bsSF";*/ /*"bsIP" = "bsIP";*/ /*"bsPT" = "bsPT";*/ "raMA" = "AirPort ID"; "laMA" = "Ethernet LAN ID"; "waMA" = "Ethernet ID"; "syNm" = "Base Station Name"; /*"syDN" = "syDN";*/ "syPW" = "Base Station Password"; /*"syPR" = "syPR";*/ "syCt" = "Contact"; "syLo" = "Location"; "syDs" = "Base Station Description"; "syVs" = "Version"; "SUEn" = "Check for firmware updates"; "SUEn.description" = "If “Check for firmware updates” is selected, the status light will blink amber if a firmware update is available."; "SUFq" = "Update frequency"; "SUFq.3600" = "Hourly"; "SUFq.86400" = "Daily"; "SUFq.604800" = "Weekly"; "SUFq.2678400" = "Monthly"; "syRe" = "Country"; "syRe.0" = "United States"; "syRe.1" = "Canada"; "syRe.2" = "Mexico"; "syRe.3" = "Colombia"; "syRe.4" = "Puerto Rico"; "syRe.5" = "Brazil"; "syRe.6" = "Chile"; "syRe.7" = "Japan"; "syRe.8" = "Austria"; "syRe.9" = "Belgium"; "syRe.10" = "Cyprus"; "syRe.11" = "Czech Republic"; "syRe.12" = "Denmark"; "syRe.13" = "Estonia"; "syRe.14" = "France"; "syRe.15" = "Finland"; "syRe.16" = "Germany"; "syRe.17" = "Greece"; "syRe.18" = "Hungary"; "syRe.19" = "Iceland"; "syRe.20" = "Italy"; "syRe.21" = "Ireland"; "syRe.22" = "Latvia"; "syRe.23" = "Liechtenstein"; "syRe.24" = "Lithuania"; "syRe.25" = "Luxembourg"; "syRe.26" = "Malta"; "syRe.27" = "Netherlands"; "syRe.28" = "Norway"; "syRe.29" = "Poland"; "syRe.30" = "Portugal"; "syRe.31" = "Slovak Republic"; "syRe.32" = "Slovenia"; "syRe.33" = "Spain"; "syRe.34" = "Sweden"; "syRe.35" = "Switzerland"; "syRe.36" = "United Kingdom"; "syRe.37" = "Australia"; "syRe.38" = "Hong Kong S.A.R., China"; "syRe.39" = "New Zealand"; "syRe.40" = "Singapore"; "syRe.41" = "Philippines"; "syRe.42" = "China"; "syRe.43" = "Malaysia"; "syRe.44" = "Taiwan"; "syRe.45" = "Korea"; "syRe.46" = "Thailand"; "syRe.47" = "Argentina"; "syRe.48" = "Venezuela"; "syRe.49" = "Russia"; "syRe.50" = "United States"; "syRe.51" = "Canada"; "syRe.52" = "Bulgaria"; "syRe.53" = "Romania"; "syRe.54" = "India"; "sySt" = "Base Station Status"; "time" = "Base Station Time"; "timz" = "Time Zone"; "usrd" = "Accounts"; "wbEn" = "Use a wide-area hostname"; "wbHN" = "Hostname"; "wbHU" = "Name"; "wbHP" = "Password"; "wbRD" = "Domain"; "wbRU" = "Name"; "wbRP" = "Password"; "wbAC" = "Advertise configuration globally using Bonjour"; /*"syUT" = "syUT";*/ /*"syFl" = "syFl";*/ /*"bsPF" = "bsPF";*/ "syAP" = "Product Name"; "syAP.0" = "AirPort"; "syAP.1" = "AirPort"; "syAP.3" = "AirPort Extreme with 802.11g"; "syAP.102" = "AirPort Express"; "syAP.104" = "AirPort Extreme with 802.11n (Fast Ethernet)"; "syAP.105" = "AirPort Extreme with 802.11n (Gigabit Ethernet)"; "sySN" = "Serial Number"; "slCl" = "Syslog Destination Address"; "slvl" = "Syslog Level"; "slvl.0" = "0 - Emergency"; "slvl.1" = "1 - Alert"; "slvl.2" = "2 - Critical"; "slvl.3" = "3 - Error"; "slvl.4" = "4 - Warning"; "slvl.5" = "5 - Notice"; "slvl.6" = "6 - Informational"; "slvl.7" = "7 - Debug"; "raNm" = "Network Name"; "raCl" = "Create a closed network"; /*"raWM" = "raWM";*/ /*"raEA" = "raEA";*/ /*"raWE" = "raWE";*/ /*"raCr" = "raCr";*/ /*"raSk" = "raSk";*/ "raKT" = "WPA Group Key Timeout"; "raRo" = "Use interference robustness"; /*"raCA" = "raCA";*/ /*"raCh" = "raCh";*/ /*"raDe" = "raDe";*/ "raWC" = "Use wide channels"; "raWC.subtext" = "Wide channels provide higher throughput in your network, but might interfere with nearby networks."; "raMu" = "Multicast Rate"; "raMu.1" = "1 Mbps"; "raMu.2" = "2 Mbps"; "raMu.85" = "5.5 Mbps"; "raMu.6" = "6 Mbps"; "raMu.9" = "9 Mbps"; "raMu.17" = "11 Mbps"; "raMu.18" = "12 Mbps"; "raMu.24" = "18 Mbps"; "raMu.36" = "24 Mbps"; /*"raLC" = "raLC";*/ /*"raMO" = "raMO";*/ "raDS" = "Serve DHCP"; "raNA" = "Provide NAT"; /*"raWB" = "raWB";*/ "raMd" = "Radio Mode"; "raMd.1" = "802.11b only"; "raMd.2" = "802.11b/g compatible"; "raMd.3" = "802.11g only"; "raMd.4" = "802.11a only"; "raMd.5" = "802.11n (802.11a compatible)"; "raMd.6" = "802.11n (802.11b/g compatible)"; "raMd.7" = "802.11n only (2.4 GHz)"; "raMd.8" = "802.11n only (5 GHz)"; "raPo" = "Transmit Power"; "raPo.10" = "10%"; "raPo.25" = "25%"; "raPo.50" = "50%"; "raPo.100" = "100%"; /*"raPx" = "raPx";*/ /*"raTr" = "raTr";*/ "raSt" = "Wireless Network Mode"; "raSt.0" = "Create a wireless network"; "raSt.1" = "Join an existing wireless network"; "raSt.3" = "Wireless disabled"; "waCV" = "Configure IPv4"; "waCV.768" = "Using DHCP"; "waCV.1024" = "Manually"; /*"waIn" = "waIn";*/ "waD1" = "DNS Server(s)"; "waD2" = "Secondary DNS Server"; /*"waD3" = "waD3";*/ "waC1" = "Current Primary DNS Server"; "waC2" = "Current Secondary DNS Server"; /*"waC3" = "waC3";*/ "waIP" = "IP Address"; "waSM" = "Subnet Mask"; "waRA" = "Router Address"; "waDC" = "DHCP Client ID"; /*"waDS" = "BSWanDHCPServer";*/ /*"waMO" = "waMO";*/ "waDN" = "Domain Name"; "waNM" = "Block Remote Configuration"; "waSD" = "Ethernet WAN Port"; "waSD.0" = "Automatic (Default)"; "waSD.2" = "10 Mbps/Half Duplex"; "waSD.3" = "10 Mbps/Full Duplex"; "waSD.5" = "100 Mbps/Half Duplex"; "waSD.6" = "100 Mbps/Full Duplex"; "waSD.8" = "1000 Mbps/Half Duplex"; "waSD.9" = "1000 Mbps/Full Duplex"; "waSD.15" = "Ethernet Disabled"; "laIP" = "LAN IP Address"; "laSM" = "LAN Subnet Mask"; "6cfg" = "IPv6 Mode"; "6cfg.0" = "Link-local only"; "6cfg.1" = "Node"; "6cfg.3" = "Tunnel"; "6aut" = "Configure IPv6"; "6aut.0" = "Manually"; "6aut.1" = "Automatically"; "6Wad" = "Local IPv6 Address"; "6Wfx" = "Prefix Length"; "6Wgw" = "Remote IPv6 Address"; "6Wte" = "Remote IPv4 Address"; "6Lfw" = "LAN forwarding"; "6Lad" = "LAN IPv6 Address"; "6Lfx" = "LAN Prefix Length"; "6sfw" = "Block incoming IPv6 connections"; /*"6pmp" = "";*/ "6trd" = "Allow Teredo tunnels"; "6sec" = "Allow incoming IPSec authentication"; "6fwl" = "IPv6 Firewall"; "moPN" = "Phone Number(s)"; "moAP" = "Secondary Phone Number"; /*"moPD" = "moPD";*/ "moUN" = "Account Name"; "moPW" = "Password"; "moID" = "Disconnect if Idle"; "moID.30" = "30 seconds"; "moID.60" = "1 minute"; "moID.120" = "2 minutes"; "moID.300" = "5 minutes"; "moID.600" = "10 minutes"; "moID.900" = "15 minutes"; "moID.1200" = "20 minutes"; "moID.1800" = "30 minutes"; "moID.0" = "Never"; /*"moCC" = "moCC";*/ /*"moCI" = "moCI";*/ "moDT" = "Ignore Dial Tone"; "moAD" = "Automatically Dial"; "moMP" = "Protocol"; "moMP.1" = "v.90"; "moMP.2" = "v.34"; /*"moMF" = "moMF";*/ /*"pdFl" = "pdFl";*/ "pdUN" = "Account Name"; "pdPW" = "Password"; "pdAR" = "Answer on ring"; "pdID" = "Idle Disconnect After"; "pdID.30" = "30 seconds"; "pdID.60" = "1 minute"; "pdID.120" = "2 minutes"; "pdID.300" = "5 minutes"; "pdID.600" = "10 minutes"; "pdID.900" = "15 minutes"; "pdID.1200" = "20 minutes"; "pdID.1800" = "30 minutes"; "pdID.0" = "Never"; "pdMC" = "Maximum Connect Time"; "pdMC.900" = "15 minutes"; "pdMC.1800" = "30 minutes"; "pdMC.3600" = "1 hour"; "pdMC.7200" = "2 hours"; "pdMC.14400" = "4 hours"; "pdMC.28800" = "8 hours"; "pdMC.0" = "Never Disconnect"; "peSN" = "Service Name"; "peUN" = "Account Name"; "pePW" = "Password"; "peSC" = "Always stay connected"; "peAC" = "Automatically connect"; "peID" = "Disconnect if Idle"; "peID.30" = "30 seconds"; "peID.60" = "1 minute"; "peID.120" = "2 minutes"; "peID.300" = "5 minutes"; "peID.600" = "10 minutes"; "peID.900" = "15 minutes"; "peID.1200" = "20 minutes"; "peID.1800" = "30 minutes"; "peID.0" = "Never"; /*"peAO" = "peAO";*/ "dhBg" = "DHCP Beginning Address"; "dhEn" = "DHCP Ending Address"; "dhLe" = "DHCP Lease"; "dhMg" = "DHCP Message"; "dh95" = "LDAP Server"; "DRes" = "DHCP Reservations"; "naFl" = "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol"; "naFl.subtext" = "(requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later)"; "naAF" = "Enable AOL Parental Controls"; "nDMZ" = "Default Host"; "fire" = "Port Mapping"; "pmTa" = "Port Mapping"; "acTa" = "Access Control"; "tACL" = "Timed Access Control"; /*"wdFl" = "wdFl";*/ "wdLs" = "WDS Nodes"; "dWDS" = "Allow this network to be extended"; /*"raFl" = "raFl";*/ "raI1" = "Primary RADIUS IP Address"; /*"raAu" = "raAu";*/ "raSe" = "Primary Shared Secret"; /*"raF2" = "raF2";*/ "raI2" = "Secondary RADIUS IP Address"; /*"raU2" = "raU2";*/ "raS2" = "Secondary Shared Secret"; /*"raCi" = "raCi";*/ "ntSV" = "Network Time Server"; /*"snAF" = "snAF";*/ /*"snLW" = "snLW";*/ /*"snLL" = "snLL";*/ /*"snRW" = "snRW";*/ /*"snWW" = "snWW";*/ /*"snRL" = "snRL";*/ /*"snWL" = "snWL";*/ "snCS" = "SNMP Community String"; /*"usbF" = "usbF";*/ "prnI" = "USB Printers"; "prnR" = "USB Printers"; "MaSt" = "Disks"; "SMBw" = "Workgroup"; "SMBs" = "WINS Server"; "fssp" = "Password"; /*"ctim" = "ctim";*/ /*"LLnk" = "LLnk";*/ /*"WLnk" = "WLnk";*/ /*"evtL" = "evtL";*/ "isAC" = "Power"; "isAC.0" = "Ethernet (802.3af)"; "isAC.1" = "External AC Adapter"; /*"maAl" = "maAl";*/ /*"maPr" = "maPr";*/ "leAc" = "Status Light"; "leAc.1" = "Always On (Default)"; "leAc.2" = "Flash On Activity"; "leAc.subtext" = "The status light will always blink amber if your base station reports a problem."; /*"auPr" = "auPr";*/ /*"auJD" = "auJD";*/ "auNN" = "iTunes Speaker Name"; "auNP" = "iTunes Speaker Password"; "aWan" = "Enable AirTunes over Ethernet"; "auRR" = "Enable AirTunes"; /*"hw01" = "hw01";*/ "bsSP" = "Product Name"; "bsSP.0" = "AirPort Base Station"; "bsSP.3" = "AirPort Extreme"; "bsSP.102" = "AirPort Express"; "bsSM" = "Wireless Security"; "bsSM.1" = "None"; "bsSM.2" = "WEP 40 bit"; "bsSM.3" = "WEP 128 bit"; "bsSM.4" = "WPA Personal"; "bsSM.5" = "WPA/WPA2 Personal"; "bsSM.6" = "WPA Personal"; "bsSM.7" = "WPA2 Personal"; "bsSM.8" = "WEP (Transitional Security Network)"; "bsSM.9" = "WPA Enterprise"; "bsSM.10" = "WPA/WPA2 Enterprise"; "bsSM.11" = "WPA Enterprise"; "bsSM.12" = "WPA2 Enterprise"; "bsSM.description" = "Choose wireless security to protect your network. “WPA/WPA2 Personal” is recommended."; "bsAE.tsnDescription" = "A Transitional Security Network (TSN) is a WEP network that also allows TKIP and AES clients to join. Clients that support AES will be able to achieve faster data rates."; "bsAE.wpaOneDescription" = "WPA clients can join this network using TKIP."; "bsAE.wpaOneTwoDescription" = "WPA and WPA2 clients can join this network."; "bsAE.wpaTwoDescription" = "WPA2 clients can join this network using AES-CCMP."; "bsRC" = "Channel"; "bsRC.1" = "1"; "bsRC.2" = "2"; "bsRC.3" = "3"; "bsRC.4" = "4"; "bsRC.5" = "5"; "bsRC.6" = "6"; "bsRC.7" = "7"; "bsRC.8" = "8"; "bsRC.9" = "9"; "bsRC.10" = "10"; "bsRC.11" = "11"; "bsRC.12" = "12"; "bsRC.13" = "13"; "bsRC.14" = "14"; "bsRC.34" = "34"; "bsRC.36" = "36"; "bsRC.38" = "38"; "bsRC.40" = "40"; "bsRC.42" = "42"; "bsRC.44" = "44"; "bsRC.46" = "46"; "bsRC.48" = "48"; "bsRC.52" = "52"; "bsRC.56" = "56"; "bsRC.60" = "60"; "bsRC.64" = "64"; "bsRC.100" = "100"; "bsRC.104" = "104"; "bsRC.108" = "108"; "bsRC.112" = "112"; "bsRC.116" = "116"; "bsRC.120" = "120"; "bsRC.124" = "124"; "bsRC.128" = "128"; "bsRC.132" = "132"; "bsRC.136" = "136"; "bsRC.140" = "140"; "bsRC.149" = "149"; "bsRC.153" = "153"; "bsRC.157" = "157"; "bsRC.161" = "161"; "bsRC.165" = "165"; "bsRC.1000" = "Automatic"; "bsrT" = "RADIUS Type"; "bsrT.0" = "Default"; "bsrT.1" = "Alternate"; "bsAC" = "Allow wireless clients"; "bsIC" = "Connect Using"; "bsIC.1" = "Ethernet"; "bsIC.2" = "PPPoE"; "bsIC.3" = "Modem"; "bsIC.4" = "AirPort (WDS)"; "bsIC.5" = "Wireless Network"; "bsUA" = "Use AOL"; "bsDI" = "PPP Dial-in"; "bsTP" = "Dialing"; "bsTP.1" = "Tone"; "bsTP.2" = "Pulse"; "bsCC" = "Country Code"; "bsCC.1" = "Australia"; "bsCC.2" = "Austria"; "bsCC.3" = "Belgium"; "bsCC.4" = "Canada"; "bsCC.5" = "China"; "bsCC.6" = "Czech Republic"; "bsCC.7" = "Denmark"; "bsCC.8" = "Finland"; "bsCC.9" = "France"; "bsCC.10" = "Germany"; "bsCC.11" = "Greece"; "bsCC.12" = "Guam"; "bsCC.13" = "Hong Kong S.A.R., China"; "bsCC.14" = "Iceland"; "bsCC.15" = "India"; "bsCC.16" = "Ireland"; "bsCC.17" = "Italy"; "bsCC.18" = "Japan"; "bsCC.19" = "Republic of Korea"; "bsCC.20" = "Latin America"; "bsCC.21" = "Malaysia"; "bsCC.22" = "Netherlands"; "bsCC.23" = "New Zealand"; "bsCC.24" = "Norway"; "bsCC.25" = "Philippines"; "bsCC.26" = "Poland"; "bsCC.27" = "Portugal"; "bsCC.28" = "Singapore"; "bsCC.29" = "Slovak Republic"; "bsCC.30" = "South Africa"; "bsCC.31" = "Spain"; "bsCC.32" = "Sweden"; "bsCC.33" = "Switzerland"; "bsCC.34" = "Taiwan"; "bsCC.35" = "Thailand"; "bsCC.36" = "United Kingdom"; "bsCC.37" = "United States"; "bsSK" = "Wireless Password"; "bsNP" = "Network Time Server"; "bsNP.1" = "time.apple.com"; "bsNP.2" = "time.euro.apple.com"; "bsNP.3" = "time.asia.apple.com"; "bsP1" = "Primary Port"; "bsP1.1" = "1645"; "bsP1.2" = "1812"; "bsP2" = "Secondary Port"; "bsP2.1" = "1645"; "bsP2.2" = "1812"; "bsWM" = "WDS Mode"; "bsWM.0" = "WDS not enabled"; "bsWM.1" = "WDS main"; "bsWM.2" = "WDS relay"; "bsWM.3" = "WDS remote"; "bsPC" = "Connection"; "bsPC.0" = "Always On"; "bsPC.1" = "Automatic"; "bsPC.2" = "Manual"; "bsRM" = "Connection Sharing"; "bsRM.0" = "Share a public IP address"; "bsRM.1" = "Distribute a range of IP addresses"; "bsRM.2" = "Using NAT Only"; "bsRM.3" = "Off (Bridge Mode)"; "bsRM.description" = "Select if you want this base station to share a single IP address with wireless clients using DHCP and NAT, distribute a range of static IP addresses using only DHCP, or act as a bridge."; "bsRM.DHCPAndNAT" = "Your base station shares a single IP address with wireless clients using DHCP and NAT."; "bsSN" = "Allow SNMP"; "bsSW" = "Allow SNMP over WAN"; "bsRP" = "Share printers over Ethernet WAN port"; "bsWP" = "Advertise printers globally using Bonjour"; "bsWC" = "Allow configuration over Ethernet WAN port"; "bsGK" = "WPA Group Key Timeout"; "bsNM" = "Wireless Mode"; "bsNM.0" = "Create a wireless network"; "bsNM.1" = "Join a wireless network"; "bsNM.3" = "Off"; "bsNM.10" = "Participate in a WDS network"; "bsNM.20" = "Extend a wireless network"; "bsAT" = "MAC Address Access Control"; "bsAT.0" = "Not Enabled"; "bsAT.1" = "Local"; "bsAT.2" = "RADIUS"; "bsAT.3" = "Timed Access"; "bsFS" = "Enable file sharing"; "bsRF" = "Share disks over Ethernet WAN port"; "bsWF" = "Advertise disks globally using Bonjour"; "bsGA" = "Guest Access"; "bsGA.0" = "Not allowed"; "bsGA.1" = "Read only"; "bsGA.2" = "Read and write"; "bsFM" = "Secure Shared Disks"; "bsFM.0" = "With accounts"; "bsFM.1" = "With a disk password"; "bsFM.2" = "With base station password"; "bsTZ" = "Time Zone"; "bsSS" = "Base Station Status"; "bsDA" = "Allow wireless clients"; /* End of AirPortSettings.strings file */